Murielle is an author and life coach. She is also a licensed practitioner of Trame Therapy, a linguist, a traveler, and a cancer survivor. Murielle was born in Belgium and is now living in New Brunswick, Canada. She believes that healing, true healing, has to happen from the inside out instead of the other way around. A belief that was put to the test when she was diagnosed with cancer in 2011. Murielle went deep inside to look for her True Self, to find that luminous being that she was meant to be.
Although she was lost in a world of fear and darkness for a while, she never stopped believing that the cancer was there to show her the way. People and courses were put on her path and her understanding of healing, her connection to Mother Earth and the force that unifies us deepened. Her love for life, for her family, and especially for herself reached a new level of purity and intensity. A new sense of awareness was awakened. A new Taste of Life was born.
Her purpose in life is to share her experiences and her knowledge with the world. Her purpose in life is to bring people back to unity; within themselves, with their environment, and with the universe so that they can experience the fullest and most exquisite Taste of Life. She believes that everybody deserves to be offered the opportunity to become who they are meant to be, to love themselves unconditionally and to taste life to the fullest.