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The Taste of Becoming Me

Not just a book, but an inspiration to see life's challenges as an opportunity to become empowered.
Available now in print and eBook format!
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"New Beginnings are often disguised as painful endings"

Lao Tzu


"Murielle does a beautiful job in her book of describing her process, and how the very difficult words, "you have cancer", took her into a deep personal healing journey. A journey, to her surprise, that  brought about greater life and joy. Her candid ability to explain the connection between her physical and emotional healing processes carry so much wisdom, and her short stories within each chapter really help bring this wisdom home.  Her love for her readers and desire to help others can be felt on every page."

Kimberly Ruth Taylor

Author of "Kicked out of the Garden"

"I love reading your stories. I have experienced a deep healing that catapulted me in this limitless feeling of possibilities. Yay to Life!!!!"

marise foster

founder of numa, a holistic approach to life

"I love your writing. It so much mirrors my own philosophies and experiences.

You are a very brave person to be able to expose so publically your own vulnerabilities. To me that shows a wonderful strength of character. Take it from a psychiatrist that it is very rare for someone to reach your level of spiritual development on your own and at such a relatively young age."

barry kaplan

medical doctor

"You really are able to express in words so wonderfully what most of us feel but are unable to explain. By writing it and sharing it you give me comfort in realizing that a common thread binds humanity together. It appears that we all experience similar feelings and emotions and we are never alone although at times when we are stressed, sad or scared it feels as if we are alone."

jackie yates

physiotherapist, reader and friend

"Murielle Bollen’s The Taste of Becoming Me is an authentic, heartfelt chronicle of her courageous journey to connect to her true self and how her experience with cancer opened the door to deeper understanding and healing.  Anyone who is looking for ways to go beyond what they know and stay connected to their present centered awareness, power and joy, will benefit from reading this book!"

joanne zippel

creative coach, artists manager & producer at zip creative

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